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Get fighting fit for your successful job hunt this winter!

Job hunting can be exhausting at the best of times but for anyone currently looking for their perfect next role, this autumn and winter brings the added threat of Covid-19. Right now, you need to shine – so here are our top tips to help you make sure you stay as healthy as possible in body and mind.

Keep calm … and sign up with Insure Recruitment

Eliminate a lot of the potential stress by making sure you have an outstanding coach. Look no further than Insure Recruitment! Our friendly and experienced team will make sure you target only the right opportunities and we will ensure you are thoroughly prepared for interviews. Above all, we will help you find a job you will love.

Dine like a champion

Eating healthily is always a good way to feel great. During the colder months, it is important. During an epidemic, it is crucial.

You are a grown up, so you don’t need us to tell you that this means eating plenty of vitamin-rich greens, fresh fruit and staying hydrated.

But don’t deprive yourself: the occasional treat of chocolate or glass of your favourite tipple is definitely allowed – just remember to keep it in moderation!

Keep active

Exercise regularly and at your own preferred pace. A brisk walk is made more attractive by the sensory beauty of autumn: glorious colours and frosty patterns, the thrilling and refreshing bite in the air, and the satisfying crunch of leaves underfoot.

If you need something a bit more pulse-raising once the weather turns miserable, then trusty Joe Wicks has an online workout or two to help you stay in shape in your own home. This will be particularly useful if further restrictions on our movement are rolled out later in the year.

Find your bliss

Don’t underestimate the impact on your mental health of increased nerves, excitement, adrenaline and the general rollercoaster of emotions that comes with the cycle of raised hopes, interviews and feedback.

So make some headspace. We love Yoga with Adrienne for gentle yoga workouts which put the emphasis on making time and being compassionate to yourself. Some people swear by guided meditation. Others get recharged through a warm bath or a favourite movie.

Find your own way to decompress and pamper and be kind to yourself, breathe and reboot and regroup. Remind yourself: you’re worth it!

And finally…

Obviously, with Covid-19 cases on the rise again, follow official guidelines to help reduce the danger of contagion to yourself and others.

Keep nourishing yourself mentally and physically and – with our team by your side – this will be the season to boost your career!

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