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Looking for greener grass?

This grass isn’t any greener on the other side.

I must have heard this phrase a million times, yet I’m still inclined to disagree.

Now I love gardening and have always been a fan of a lovely lawn. For me, it’s the garden’s focal point and should connect everything else that an idyllic country garden has to offer.

I’ve been thinking about green grass a lot this Summer, with the lawn increasingly looking like something from the Kalahari.

I’ve been re-living what 1976 was like.

Yes, folks, I am old enough to remember.

I was only seven, but recall delivering Save Water stickers on behalf of my Dad, who was high up in the Parish Council.

It was exploitative child labour in extreme working conditions. I am certain that the grass would have been greener in other jobs. I’m equally sure I would be in contact with ACAS nowadays.

With lawns, they’re only as good as the time and effort you put in. You can rely on nature alone, but that extra care and attention will make a real difference. Love it, nurture it, feed it, water it.

It’s just the same with a team and you will get out what you put in. A laissez-faire approach to your workforce could leave them feeling similarly worn and off colour.

In a work sense, recognition is the food that we all need. It is often cited as The Most Important Thing in our conversations with candidates – frequently ahead of money, career prospects, benefits and so on.

Leaving it to nature, without the nurture, is likely to leave employees feeling undervalued and unappreciated. Some aspects of their job may keep them there, along with fear of change and a misguided sense of loyalty. But without recognition and the opportunity to develop, they are unlikely to ever feel completely fulfilled.

Fear can often hold us back in the search for a new job and we call get a little too snug in our comfort zone on occasion. Sometimes it’s down to apathy – looking for a job does require a fair amount of effort after all.

Whatever you do, don’t let the “grass isn’t greener” become an excuse.

You should know there are many organisations out there who genuinely appreciate and value their people. Those who don’t just pay lip service to recognition, but demonstrate it, day in, day out.

At Insure Recruitment, we work with plenty of them and recognise the difference.

The diligent gardener will work with the land and the prevailing weather conditions. They will seek out problems and address them. They will understand what their lawn needs. They will spend time scarifying, cutting, weeding and rolling and provide nutrients and water when required.

The diligent leader will nurture their team in much the same way. Compare how leaders in your organisation treat their people with those in other businesses.

From what you can find out – Glassdoor, LinkedIn, recommendations, feedback and so on – do other companies offer better recognition and invest more in their team? For instance, they might have won awards, be Investors in People, support industry exam success or have a clearly-defined employee charter. These are all good clues.

The big question put simply: Does your company look after its lawn?

If not, the grass might just be greener on the other side.

Insure Recruitment are keen to talk to candidates committed to their next move in general insurance or financial services. Please call us today on 01483 668700.

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