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Insure’s Blog

We will find your perfect (career) match

The path of true love doesn’t always run smooth. The same goes for seeking your perfect next job. As your ‘go-between’, we eliminate pain and time-consuming false leads from your jobsearch.

Cupid’s arrow doesn’t always hit its mark. We do: over 93% of our placed candidates are still in the role we helped them win 12 months later.

Today’s jobseekers and romance seekers are increasingly turning to the internet for hot prospects. Algorithms are pretty clever but they cannot match our team’s extensive experience or replicate our personal immersion in the insurance and financial services sectors.

Real commitment means finding out about the real you. This helps us identify the opportunities for which you are MFEO*.(*made for each other)

We will always be honest with you to help you avoid the pain of rejection. The scattergun approach of online job boards may widen your net but it can also mean an energy-draining avalanche of rejection.

We help you be the best you, fully preparing you for that first date – sorry, interview. Our specialists guide you on technique, do’s and don’ts, and ensure you feel empowered and confident.

Let us introduce you to your next LTCR*. (*long term career relationship)



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